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Looking for the KEEP IT SIMPLE Workshop Replay? Click here to watch.

Agent Alchemy 

A groundbreaking 44-day program for actors ready to land their dream agent without all the stuff they say you need


Agent Alchemy 

A groundbreaking 44-day program for actors ready to land their dream agent without all the stuff they say you need


You’re a talented actor willing to put in the work, but you just can’t seem to grab the attention of reps. Maybe you feel like:

"I have no decent credits!"

Here’s the thing… you don’t actually need credits to get a good agent or manager. Yup. Mic drop.

"I don't even know where to start!"

I get it. I’ve been there. It can be hard to decide what to do and where to submit, and that’s without doing any of the actual work of submitting. Luckily, I’ve led hundreds of actors through this process successfully, so you don’t need to guess.

"I'm scared to ask for referrals!"

You don’t want to bother people, right? Or be weird and ask for favors. Well, imagine having a formula (and scripts!) to ask for referrals without feeling icky or pushy or desperate. Mhmmm. I got you.

Yes, the agent search can be overwhelming...

but only when you do it alone.


I know because I’ve been there.

It can feel like you’re never “good enough” to get signed. Like you’re always “missing” something that’s really important.

Allow me to share a little secret: You’re ready just as you are. With exactly the credits and reel that you have… Or don’t yet have.

If you feel called to expand your team right now, a lack of credits, industry connections, and fancy network TV footage on your reel shouldn’t stop you. Those things are not actually what matter the most in this process. No matter what other assets you bring to the table at this moment in your career, you have yourself. And that’s what an agent is going to sign.

Let’s talk about how you can make this happen.

Imagine that you could...

Follow a Guided 44-day Roadmap to Your Perfect Rep

All you have to do is commit to doing the process and we'll take care of the rest. No. More. Guesswork. ✅

Discover Creative Solutions for a Lack of Footage and Credits

Spoiler: there’s never a "lack," and there’s always a solution. You. Are. Enough. We just need to communicate this to your reps. 💪

Connect with Potential Reps from a Place of Empowerment

We’re going to enjoy the process of calling in the rep of YOUR dreams. You’re. A. Star. 🌟


Alchemy is defined as the process of taking something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.

I believe a compelling story, powerful voice, and artistic vision lies within you. 

Here’s the secret: we’ll use all three of those things to alchemize the agent search into an extraordinary journey of partnership-building and self-love.


I designed a process to land a kick-ass agent and feel empowered while doing it.

Yes, I Want This!

So how does this work exactly?

Let's break down your 44-day journey

Here, we’ll evaluate everything you’re bringing to the table. You’ll learn how to work with what you have and how to get around what you don’t. You’ll also receive crucial mindset tools that help tap into your intuition and revel in alll you already have to offer. (And don’t worry, I won’t make you spend hundreds of dollars to shoot a reel scene either!)

Now it’s time to call in your community. We’ll examine who is in your circle and how they might be of help to you during your search. Whether you have someone in mind for a referral or not, this will be a crucial few days to look through your rolodex and become reacquainted with all the incredible connections you’ve made during your artistic career.

Now we get to the fun part: submitting! By now, you’re prepped, confident, and supported by your community, so this will be a breeze. I’ll walk you through exactly what to include in your submissions, so you can hook reps from the start. I’ll also share my tips for personalizing every email, so each office knows you’re an actor who cares.

Here we reach out using another modality, and I share my inside strategy for your top-choice VIP agencies and management companies. With this easy next-step, I also share my tip for all-but-guaranteed responses.

Now it’s time to let them see you. The real you. Your next step in the journey will help potential reps get to know you in a whole new way. I promise, most actors aren’t taking this step, and it will blow your target list away.

Now it’s time to amp it up to a whole new level. I walk you through a process you may have never thought possible. I also share my cheat sheet for workshops and showcases you may do with these reps to make sure you’re always the most sought after actor in the room.

By this time you will likely already have some meeting requests. So here we discuss how to reach those more elusive companies. You might be thinking: there are MORE creative ways to reach out? The answer is YES. Here’s a hint: I give you a full script at this step. 😉

Now we use gratitude to seal the deal. Like I said, you’ll leave this process feeling great, and this is due in part to a gratitude practice. You’ll be getting your future reps involved in this step too, don’t worry!

Let’s bring it home, baby. Here, we tie up loose ends and follow up on the glorious momentum of the past couple of months. Time for that victory lap: you’ve completed the process!

You may be thinking:

"Ajarae, that's a lot of reaching out!"


And here’s the thing: when we aren’t in the habit of creating meaningful connection that shows our true essence, it is easy to feel like we’re being “too much.”

In reality, we’re giving these reps the opportunity to fully see your potential so they can make the most informed decision possible.

As I guide you through these steps, you’ll be getting my tried and true wisdom. I’ll always make sure you have the guidance to come off cool, calm, and sign-able. 🙌


Let me take you back and tell you my story


I’m Ajarae Coleman. I’m a working actor. And like, actually a working actor. That’s how I make most of my money and have my health insurance. I want the EGOT just like you do. 😝

While I now enjoy a gratifying and growing career (with reps I adore!) it wasn’t always that way.

I left a random corporate-type job to become an actor….AKA I came into the industry with no experience, no credits and no connections. I felt so lost navigating the complicated world of getting representation and ultimately, auditions. Now, I look back and realize I was making it way harder than it had to be.

Many years of upleveling agents, trial, error, and refining later, I have finally created a system that gets results and leaves actors proud of who they are.

Your investment in this self-guided journey includes lifetime access to...

A no-guesswork-required plan to conquer your agent search once and for all. You'll have a system to rinse and repeat any time you want to add someone new to your team.

A library of helpful videos, in which I guide you through each step of your process. You can start any time you want, and work at your own pace!

Downloadable and editable spreadsheets to organize your thoughts and ideas and track your progress with ease: think Master Rep Tracker, Referrals Tracker, Industry Connections & Fans List, and more!

You'll never have to worry what to write or what to say. Plus, I'll help you create all the materials you need, including some that you probably don't even know about yet. I got you!


I give you all the tools to align yourself energetically with the rep of your dreams and release any resistance to the abundance you’re creating. You'll learn to use EFT tapping, meditations, journal prompts, and more during this journey.

Remember when I said that all you need is yourself? It's true. Your Agent Alchemy Assets are how we convey all you have to offer.  You'll create an incredible arsenal of self-focused content to use during your rep search and beyond!


And lucky for you, gifts are my love language. So I'm gifting you with bonuses that will help you navigate contracts, nail your agent meetings, create a healthy, lasting relationship with your new rep, and more.

These include...

My Agent Workshop and Showcase Cheat Sheet: unfortunately workshops and showcases can be a waste of money if you're not doing them correctly. And most actors aren't. Here I share my tried and true tricks from a decade of experience with workshops.

The ARG Agent Meeting Guide: this process will get you meetings, so you need to know exactly how to handle them. This guide will show you how to prepare, what to bring, and what to say to wow your dream agent.

Bonus training: “How to Become Your Rep’s #1 Client”  Once you have your dream rep, you need to know how to be successful with them. This training from The Table will teach you how.

Bonus training: How to Use EFT Tapping to Calm Your Nervous System. You'll be taking a lot of new actions during this journey, and your body will try to keep you safe and small. We will take care of it by using this ancient somatic practice.

Transcripts from my interviews of TWO Los Angeles talent agents, so you can hear where these principles originated from a rep's perspective

Guidance on how to edit the General Service Agreement (GSA) agency contract to protect your rights, and what to look out for as you sign contracts. This is extremely important to learn before you sign!

Yes, I Want All of This!

These Are the Key Pillars of a Successful Agent Search


Many actors are afraid to make their agent search specific because they think they should just take whatever they can get. I’ll teach you how to use your intuition AND your mind to guide you, so you never settle for bad reps.


AKA your golden ticket to success. I believe actors become overwhelmed when they aren’t properly organized! So I’ve created a system to help structure your work (Master Rep Tracker, Referrals Tracker, Industry Connections & Fans List, and many more). All you have to do is plug and play. No more overwhelm.


Repeat after me: Emails and website submissions are NOT the only way to connect with representation. WAIT! Repeat this too: Even without great footage or recognizable credits, I have infinite ways to show potential agents my talent and professionalism.


Once I learned that hearing crickets wasn’t personal, my entire career opened up. If your next agent is doing her job correctly, she’s busy. That means you’re doing her a service by reaching out multiple times. You haven’t gotten a “no” until you get a “no.”  (Which is really just a “not right now” anyways.)

Agent Alchemy is for you if:

  • You're ready to land a rep that will help take your career to the next level 
  • You have talent, but don't have the credits yet to show what you can do
  • You feel anxious about asking for referrals, or maybe don't have anybody to ask
  • You are overwhelmed and don't know where to begin to get a good agent or manager
  • You are committed to having a successful acting career and know a good team will help you get there more quickly

This program is not for you if:

  • You're attached to the "starving artist" mentality and believe acting should be hard
  • You're unwilling to challenge yourself and try new, innovative methods
  • You'd prefer to wait for someone else to discover you, rather than make the first move
  • You have a fixed mindset and believe you know everything already
  • You're unwilling to invest in yourself and your career

Anna is an accomplished actress who was on the hunt for a manager. And used the Agent Alchemy framework to make sure that she capitalized on the momentum of meeting her ideal manager with a thoughtful follow up. She shared:

"I got a manager and [Ajarae’s] agent manager workshop [lesson] and how to reach out to them and the follow-up process and walking me through that was so helpful. I really like sat through and took so many notes!"

Kristelle was in an uncomfortable place many actors will reach one day: she realized her manager was no longer serving her. It can feel scary to let go of representation and re-start the search for something new. And look what happened:

I got rid of [my] old manager, got a new manager, [and] got a new agent. Ajarae really inspires you to go inwards and to connect with yourself and to hear yourself so that you can make decisions based off of what you really are feeling and not just all the noise. She's living it. She's living it and speaks from experience and speaks from her perspective.”

Nicole manifested a rep that had exactly the qualities she envisioned. Check this out:

I signed with a Manager and I couldn’t be more excited! On our first call he said he likes to do weekly conference calls or at least emails where he shows me what he’s done for my career and then wants to see what I’ve done for my career for the week. He was the only one that offered that. It’s exactly what I’m looking for[Ajarae] was really helpful in assisting with the decision making process. I’m enthusiastic about this relationship and think it’s going to be a very happy, productive one.”

Yes, I'm Ready!

More Actors Like You Who Have Signed with Their Dream Reps

“I have officially signed with two different agencies for both theatrical and commercial representation. I am beyond excited and feel full of abundance and joy.

I wanted to say a massive thank you to Ajarae Coleman and all of you wonderful members of The Table. I couldn’t have done it without all of your wisdom, encouragement and support.”



I signed with my dream agent. I know that that would not have happened without [Ajarae], period. I'd been trying then lowered my standards and went to other places and just was not making it. It just wasn't happening. And all of a sudden, well, it's not all of a sudden, it was specific. It was during the coaching that I had with Ajarae that specifically led to that. And within weeks it was the coolest thing to get that email and then to go through the process and be signed with my dream agent and they love me and I love them.” 


Why is this program so affordable?

I’ll be honest with you, I don’t think it should cost you an arm and a leg to get an agent. It's just not that hard, really.

I know there are programs out there that cost more than double. But even though this training is extremely valuable (a great rep is worth a lot!) I want this program to be accessible.

I want you to get off the agent-search hamster wheel so you can focus on telling stories. It's time to get on with your career and thrive with your perfect partnership.

The Agent Alchemy LIVE experience includes extra support beyond the self-guided program.

You can do Agent Alchemy anytime. But when you join us by May 3, 2024, you get a once-in-a-lifetime chance to do this program with Ajarae's support in a cohort of other supportive actors.


  • Five COACHING CALLS WITH AJARAE so you can get her insight if you ever feel stuck
  • Access to 20+ HOURS of guided CO-WORKING time, so you can get accountability and stay focused as you implement the program
  • A pop-up Facebook group where you can connect with other actors and check in for a sense of community (optional).
  •  An Energetic Alignment Session (powerful guided meditation) with energy healer Sara Hopman to strengthen your intuition, step into leadership of your team, and clear negative energy from your past experiences with crappy reps.

With this level of support, your success is almost inevitable.


But wait... really quick, let me share my vision for you.

I want you to finish Agent Alchemy:


Signed by reps who understand and value your artistry

Overflowing with exciting and stimulating audition opportunities

Embolded by this search to continue building brave industry relationships

Confident in your ability to maintain a healthy, communicative agent/client relationship

Excited to use your new arsenal of mindset tools to maintain a strong sense of self

Grateful and proud to be who you are

It's time to step forward and claim your aligned representative!

Why would you wait any longer to partner with an agent or manager who can help find more opportunities for you? Seriously. It's time to take action.

Your chance to join Agent Alchemy LIVE disappears on Friday, May 3, at 11:59 PM PST!

Pay In Full


Enrollment closes Friday, May 3!

  • You only chance to access the LIVE program with unparalleled support
  • Lifetime Access to program materials
  • One easy payment
Access Now!

Payment Plan Options

as low as $44

Enrollment closes Friday, May 3!

  • You only chance to access the LIVE program with unparalleled support
  • Lifetime Access to program materials
  • Payment Plans available with AFTERPAY
Access Now!
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